Protecting You At Work When Your Employer Won’t
Yormak Employment & Disability Law is the leading law firm in the areas of labor and employment law. Based in Bonita Springs, Florida, and with a branch office in Naples, we are dedicated to helping people who need it most. Whether you have been fired, discriminated against, harassed or denied overtime or wages, or if you know of your employer’s fraud, we can help – in fact, that is all we do. We have narrowly focused our practice so that our staff can focus on you, the client, by providing the highest-quality, most aggressive and most caring legal representation. Read more about our founding attorney:
You may ask, “Why is this happening to me? What can I do to fight this?” We know why. Yours is not like a typical car accident or personal injury case – the lawyers who handle those cases only handle those cases. Your case is in a completely different area of law that requires a completely different type of expertise, with state, federal or administrative proceedings all being highly technical with very strict timelines.
At Yormak Employment & Disability Law, our goal is to maximize each individual’s rights under the law while offering supportive representation through a life crisis that may seem to make no sense legally, medically or otherwise and was caused by one thing: the loss of income, either through termination or the denial of your insurance benefits.
To us, our firm’s guiding principle, “Recovering your past…Ensuring your future,” are words we live by. It is not just your past-due wages or benefits we seek; that is not enough. Using innovative and compassionate legal representation, we strive to ensure that our clients receive the best possible results for both them and their families, now and in the future.
In employment cases, we give you, the employee, a voice, one person and one case at a time. We only represent employees – we fight employers that violate federal and state laws. We fight for your rights, your dignity, your back wages, your future wages (and punitive damages, if appropriate). We strive not only to recover what was taken from you but to set you up in the future so that you can go forward with a clean slate as well.
Our dedication to your case extends from the moment we accept it until its completion. Our team will constantly and zealously advocate on your behalf. This includes conducting a thorough investigation of your fraud allegations and working closely with the U.S. Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the IRS to further build your case. Our experience with whistleblowers gives us unique insight into the concerns and stresses that often accompany the filing a fraud action or claims under either the SEC or the IRS whistleblower programs.
We are committed to:
- Providing top-quality, aggressive and innovative legal representation that is tailored to the unique circumstances of each client, combining various statutory laws to make the system work for you.
- Only representing you, the employee and the disabled, and never the employer or insurance companies.
- Building client relationships through supportive and caring representation, focusing on respect and trust.
- Being up to date on all the latest laws, procedures, knowledge and cases that may affect your case or claim for benefits.
- Advancing the rights of employees and the disabled by ensuring that the laws are properly enforced and changed when necessary.
- Advising as to medical and related reports and/or records.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time by email or by phone: 239-399-8808.