Pregnant workers unfortunately still face discrimination in the workplace today. Because of that, employers need to brush up on what does and does not count as discrimination against pregnant workers to avoid making missteps. One such potential issue revolves around...
Month: September 2022
Recognizing Signs Of Racial Discrimination In The Workplace
Federal law forbids any racial harassment or discrimination that creates a hostile, intimidating employment environment. This includes aspects of work such as pay, training, promotions, firing and task assignments. Color discrimination results from the unfavorable...
Be Aware Of Severance Benefits You Should Receive
Is your employer living up to their obligations per your severance agreement? If you suddenly lose your job, you should feel confident that your severance package will help carry you through your time of unemployment until you can find new work. A review of your...
What Constitutes Workplace Harassment?
Many people think harassment always has to be sexual in nature, but that is not true. There are many types of behavior that could become harassing. It is important to understand that all harassment is illegal. Every employee has the right to work in an environment...