If you believe your employer has misclassified you as exempt to avoid paying overtime, you have options. Understanding the process and knowing your rights can help you address the issue effectively. Understanding misclassification Exempt employees do not qualify for...
Firm News
Yormak Case Featured As Time Magazine’s Cover Story For March 15th Issue
In TIME Magazine's March 15, 2021 issue, what happened to Lauren Martinez is featured as the cover story. Fired after she requested FMLA leave in the wake of caring for her kids with COVID, she and Mr. Yormak are fighting back. And Ms. Martinez is not alone.
Five Former Employees File Lawsuit Against Collier Clerk Of Courts Crystal Kinzel
Five former Collier County clerk of courts staffers filed a lawsuit in January alleging they were fired in violation of their First Amendment rights for campaigning against Clerk of Courts Crystal Kinzel or supporting her challenger last year. This case raises...
Yormak Selected By Best Lawyers In America
Yormak Employment & Disability Law is honored to have its founder, Benjamin H. Yormak, selected by Best Lawyers in America in the "Ones to Watch" category for 2021. Recognition by Best Lawyers is based entirely on peer review, and its methodology is designed to...
Supreme Court Holds LGBT Employees Protected By Title VII In Landmark Decision
In a landmark decision, the US Supreme Court held that civil rights law protects LGBT workers. The court said the language of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits sex discrimination, applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity....
Yormak Selected As 2020 Super Lawyer For Work Representing Employees
Benjamin H. Yormak has been selected to the 2020 Florida Super Lawyers list. No more than five percent of the lawyers in the entire state are selected by Super Lawyers. Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than...
Lee County Ass’t Principal Demoted After Thwarting School Shooting
Yormak Employment & Disability Law is proud to represent an assistant principal at Harns Marsh Middle School in Lehigh Acres who stopped a school shooting but has been demoted after the district found she ‘didn’t follow proper procedure’ when a student brought a...
Judge Declines To Block Florida Law Limiting Doc Noncompete Contracts
U.S. District Judge Mark Walker nixed the request by 21st Century Oncology for a preliminary injunction barring enforcement of the law, which he compared to the campy 1950s horror movie classic "Creature from the Black Lagoon," filmed 15 miles from the Tallahassee...
Cape Coral City Manager, Former Police Chief Accused Of Wrongdoings
A letter from Victoria Bateman, the city’s financial director, sparked the Cape Coral Mayor's call for an investigation into the city manager. Cape Coral City Council approved the investigation after a meeting Thursday afternoon. In her letter Bateman, who is now on...
Lee County School District Investigating Possible Testing Fraud At Island Coast High
Allegations of possible testing fraud at Island Coast High School in Cape Coral are being investigated by the Lee County school district. The issue was apparently reported in writing as well as verbally during the 2018-19 school year by Vicki Santini, a former teacher...