When you encounter a non-compete agreement, it can often confuse and worry. It can be even more stressful when you lose a job. And amidst a mass layoff, you wonder if these contracts can still matter. Understanding Florida's non-compete laws may help, especially if...
Tips for employees when negotiating noncompete agreements
Noncompete agreements (noncompetes) can be crucial in shaping careers. However, these legal documents that aim to protect the business interests of employers can have a downside. Sometimes, these can impose limitations on the job prospects of employees. If you are in...
Can you fight a non-compete agreement?
Non-compete agreements limit an employee’s ability to work for competitors or launch competing businesses. These agreements protect a company’s trade secrets and help businesses maintain their competitive edge. Unfortunately, they can also hinder an employee’s career...
Is a noncompete right for your Florida business?
As a business owner in Florida, you may ponder whether a noncompete agreement is necessary for your company. Noncompete agreements are contracts designed to prevent employees from starting a similar enterprise or working for a competitor within a specific geographical...
Are Non-Compete Agreements Enforceable In Florida?
Non-compete agreements are somewhat controversial in Florida because there is more to them than meets the eye. The state has specific requirements for an agreement of this kind to be enforceable. This can be confusing for businesses and employees alike. What are...
FTC Proposes Federal Ban On Employment Non-Compete Agreements
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently proposed a federal ban on employment non-compete agreements. This move has been met with criticism from industry advocates and legal professionals, who argue that the FTC's plan is an overreaction to the occasional misuse of...
Should You Sign That Noncompete Agreement?
Noncompete agreements have become increasingly popular in recent years as businesses strive to retain top talent. With their increasing popularity comes resistance by employees to lock themselves into these roles by signing such a contract. There are a few things to...
Be Aware Of Severance Benefits You Should Receive
Is your employer living up to their obligations per your severance agreement? If you suddenly lose your job, you should feel confident that your severance package will help carry you through your time of unemployment until you can find new work. A review of your...
The Hidden Clauses In Your Employment Contract
With an at-will employment arrangement, an employee enjoys the freedom to leave an employer without reason. Contracted employees do not enjoy this freedom but are bound by the terms of their employment contract. Many of these documents contain hidden clauses that...
What Should I Look For In An Employment Contract?
You might feel intimidated when an employer presents you with an employment contract. However, a proper employment agreement can actually work to your benefit since it defines your rights as an employee. Your contract may establish how your employer may or may not...