The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for specific medical or family reasons. Not only does this act provide much-needed time off, but it protects the employee's job while they are away. If an employer...
FMLA Discrimination
Reasons your employer might deny intermittent FMLA
Intermittent FMLA allows employees to take leave in small chunks rather than one continuous period. This type of leave is for medical treatments, recovery from an illness or to care for a family member with a serious health condition. If you are granted intermittent...
Is your employer interfering with your work hours?
If you are an employee in Florida, it is important to know your rights and protections under the Family and Medical Leave Act. The FMLA is a federal law that grants eligible employees the right to take unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons without...
Can an employer deny your FMLA request?
An employer must honor the Family Medical Leave Act when an eligible employee makes a leave request for a qualifying reason. There are situations where a denial is possible, and knowing your rights under FMLA leave will help you determine if a violation of rights...
What you need to know about the FMLA
If you are like most Americans, your job takes up a significant portion of your time. However, life does not stop because you have work obligations. Fortunately, the Family and Medical Leave Act provides a way for you to take time off to deal with certain family and...
3 Ways Employers Violate FMLA Regulations
The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) makes it easy for employees to take time off work to care for themselves or an immediate family member during an illness or injury. While it is against the law for employers to deny a legitimate FMLA claim, some still interfere and...
3 Faqs About Taking Time Off Work To Care For A Loved One
Whether you are expecting a new child or have an immediate family member with a serious illness, you may feel torn between your work obligations and your family’s needs. You may worry that taking time off to help will jeopardize your employment and your health care...
What Is The Family And Medical Leave Act?
There may be a time in your life when you need to take several weeks or months off of work. The Family Medical Leave Act gives you this opportunity without the risk of losing your job. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the FMLA entitles eligible employees to...