In the event you lose your job to a layoff or termination, your employer might offer you a severance agreement that provides you severance pay and other benefits. However, in return, you would give up the right to sue your employer, which you might not want if you...
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How Can You Enforce Fair Non-Compete Clauses?
In today's work environment, everyone has an opinion on non-compete clauses. Some belief it to serve as a great way for employers to protect the vital information and valuable players who make their business run, while others criticize them as unfair and exploitative....
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Noncompete Agreements?
As a worker, you have likely at least heard the term "noncompete agreement" before, even if you have not worked with one yourself. Many people have mixed opinions about these agreements and what they do. Like everything in business, there are two sides. While...