The hope of securing justice is often why a person who experiences discrimination at the workplace goes to court against an employer. There is no guarantee that a court will rule in your favor, but if it should happen, there are a number of ways a court may compensate you for the discrimination that you have suffered.
Workplace discrimination takes different forms, so the damages another person receives might not be what a court will award you. Chron describes some possible outcomes of a discrimination case.
Job compensation
If your employer has terminated you, the court may require that your workplace rehire you. In the event your employer denied you a promotion, a judge could rule that your employer must give you the promotion. However, returning to your old job or workplace might not be a viable option. If so, the court could award you compensation to help you find a new job. Receiving other forms of monetary compensation is also a possibility.
Medical compensation
Experiencing discrimination and any harassment that goes along with it could take a toll on your health. Stress can cause physical problems like high blood pressure, headaches, chest pain, tension in the muscles, or difficulties sleeping. If you experienced medical problems as a result of discrimination, a judge may grant you compensation for your medical bills.
Corrective workplace measures
A court could also issue an order that your workplace must take corrective steps to prevent future discrimination. If you return to your old place of work, the court might dictate that your workplace put measures in place to stop any efforts to retaliate against you.
The possibility of helping discriminated employees receive damages for their suffering is a reason anti-discrimination laws exist. You may learn what your possible outcomes are from a legal professional.