Florida whistleblower protections and repercussions if you report

On Behalf of | Aug 20, 2024 | Whistleblowers

Reporting illegal activities at work can be scary, especially when you might worry about your job security. It’s important to know your rights and protections under Florida law before you decide to take action.

Florida’s whistleblower protection laws

Florida law protects employees who report illegal activities under certain conditions. The Florida Whistleblower Act stops employers from retaliating against workers who report law violations or illegal practices or take part in investigations related to those violations.

These protections cover public and private employees, but the law’s application can vary based on your job situation.

Following proper reporting procedures

To receive protection under Florida’s whistleblower laws, you must follow the proper reporting procedures. Typically, this means reporting the illegal activity to a supervisor or authority in the company before contacting an external agency. 

Not following these procedures could weaken your legal protection and increase your risk of termination.

Documenting your claims

In addition to following the proper reporting procedures, it’s crucial to document every step you take during the whistleblowing process. Keep copies of emails, written communications, and any other evidence related to the illegal activities you’re reporting. 

This documentation can be invaluable if you need to defend your actions or pursue legal action against your employer for retaliation.

Potential risks despite protections

Even with protections in place, whistleblowers in Florida may face subtle forms of retaliation, such as being passed over for promotions or receiving unwarranted negative performance reviews. 

Knowing Florida’s whistleblower protections and following the proper steps can help you protect your job when reporting illegal activities. However, the risk of being fired is still there, so it’s important to prepare for any challenges.